Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

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Photo by 78design on PhotoAC https://www.photo-ac.com/profile/23242086

Top photo: 78designさん on PhotoAC

Living in Japan can be challenging, especially for people coming from other parts of the world with a complete different culture and way of life. Like in any other country, those from abroad who live here in Japan are expected to be ambassadors for their countries. Hence, they’re obliged to many by-laws representing the way life is conducted.

Language Is Life

The language barrier is obviously one of the problems encountered by many. But recently, we have seen some changes on how other languages are introduced in Elementary and Junior High Schools. In 2020, the Japanese government decided that that the foreign languages subject will be compulsory for fifth and sixth graders.

A lot of improvement has been seen recently as some schools in different parts of Japan have started their own programs of teaching the English language. The objective is to enable students to communicate by using the language to improve their perspective and analyze various issues. In this way, we are currently witnessing the world becoming smaller.

Olympic Hurdles

The opportunity to host the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games last year was massive in establishing awareness. Much-needed understanding of the language was required to ensure that the competition ran smoothly. Many programs were introduced during that period which helped in one way or another.

One such program was the introduction of sign boards written in English, particularly on roads, trains and railways. Unfortunately, due to time constrains, this program was deemed “not always successful”. In some parts of the city where railway line companies tried to put signs, they were difficult to understand or gave completely inaccurate information.

Ultimately this example shows that there is still much room to grow. The city of Tokyo had its heart in the right place; what it needed was more cerebral analysis before creating the signs to ensure they would be understood. Or to put it another way, anyone can put paint on a canvas, but a great artist knows how to put the paint on the canvas.

What the Future Holds

The unexpected war going on in Ukraine has recently become an opportunity for Japan to make progressed in advancing the use of other languages. Refugees from Ukraine, including young students and their parents, have been welcomed in Japan. In some cases the children have been introduced to the elementary school system.

Among the progress made by the Japanese government is by allocating almost $8.85 million (USD) to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This mainly to enable the ministry in dealing with the issue of inadequate number of language teachers in Elementary and Junior High School.

There is still much more to be desired, especially with the issue of opening up the country to newcomers from all around the world. Making it possible for people to become comfortable with speaking English and other languages is the end goal, but there are still many stumbling blocks to overcome towards getting there.

Photo Credits:

Top photo: 78designさん on PhotoAC

Additional photo: copeeeさん on PhotoAC

All other content (text) created by the original author and © 2022 MUSUBI by Borderlink



Melody Jones

From the UK
Has experienced Japan for over 5 years!