Wandering About Japan

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Top photo: KaMさん on PhotoAC

No that’s not a typo, I really do mean wandering. One of the best things about living in Japan is that you can take your time and really explore the sights and sounds here. To be honest, this might be one of the main perks many come here for, but then many just stay with the basic touristy places.

Me? I went a different route, a less-traveled one. Why? Because most of the popular places have too many people. While I don’t mind it too much, I find rest and peace of mind in nature. So decided that I would find nature even in the bigger cities, both for peace of mind and for my own mental health.

The only problem is how to get around on your wonderings here in Japan. Sure you can hoof it, or take public transport, but those are very limiting in where you can go. Then why not get a car? Well the costs are high, especially in bigger cities.

So what to do? My answer was to go for a cheap bicycle. A nice little single speed bike like you can see in many anime series. This option is great as it helps with both extending your range, as well as giving you a little more exercise.

While I lived on the main island I would visit parks and other hidden nature spots, like local shrines.

When I moved to a smaller town, it allowed me to travel so much further (while getting some truly interesting reactions from the locals when they heard where you went).

I took a ride to a town close by, and on the way there I was greeted by truly beautiful forests.

I also went to the beach to do some fishing (didn’t catch anything).

And the way there had some breath taking fields.

One thing that I found interesting was that the rivers and waterways have so many fish in them.

So when you come here (or if you are here and have some free time), please consider wandering about Japan, to see more of the hidden beauty all around. The most important part is to go out and experience Japan, both for the memories as well as for the sanity points it recovers.

Photo Credits:

Top photo: KaMさん on PhotoAC

All additional images taken and provided by Timothy Horn, used with permission.

All other content (text) created by the original author and © 2023 MUSUBI by Borderlink



Timothy Horn

From South Africa
Has been wandering about Japan for 3 years.