Let’s Go Cycling in Japan!

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Top Photo: gonzo5500さん on PhotoAC

Japan is a nice, peaceful and safe country to go cycling. Bicycles are widely used in Japan for going to school, work or doing errands. There are various types of bicycles, from the the mama chari or “Mom`s Bicycle” to various off-road models. For a more comprehensive guide, see our previous article about cycling in Japan!

Renting a Bike

If you wish to explore Japan through cycling, there are rental bicycles available for the tourists. The rental fees are roughly from ¥100-300 per hour, ¥400-800 half-day or ¥1000-1200 whole day. Our advice is to go with a daily rental; it’s the best deal if you’re planning on cycling longer distances, and won’t cost as much if you go over the half-day mark. If you plan on biking in Tokyo, here are a few rental suggestions.

Handy Tips To Keep In Mind

You have to keep in mind the following rules when you go cycling in Japan:

1. Cycling under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Don’t do it!

2. Use helmet and other protective gear. You may see people riding without these, but it is becoming more and more discouraged (and the potential injuries that can result are not worth the risk. Drive and bike safely!)

3. Avoid using electronic gadgets such as smart phone while cycling. Better to stop in a safe place if you need to use your gadget.

4. Be conscious of the traffic and street signs. Also be careful of pedestrians- in any collision, legally speaking, the cyclist is at fault.

5. Park your bicycle at designated parking areas. Ticketing is very common in big cities, so be smart and find proper parking.

6. Side-by-side cycling and two adults on one bike are strictly prohibited.

7. Bicycles are not allowed in trains.

8. Your bicycle must have working headlights and rear lights.

9. Register your bicycle at the local police station for safety and protection from thieves. While Japan is still a relatively safe country, theft of unattended or unlocked bicycles is a possibility. Register and get a lock!

Japan is a beautiful and relaxing country to explore. The landscape is refined, and in general it has great cycling infrastructure, even in cities. Japan is a must-see destination to all bike travelers. let’s enjoy cycling!

Photo Credits:

Top Photo: gonzo5500さん on PhotoAC

Additional photos provided by the original author, used with permission

All other content (text) created by the original author and © 2022 MUSUBI by Borderlink



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